Dealing With Retirement Assets In Property Division
For many people, retirement assets constitute the most valuable pieces of marital property. This is a complex area of the law that absolutely requires specialized knowledge and skill.
Types Of Retirement Assets Divided In Divorce
Most people are familiar with IRAs, pensions and profit-sharing plans. But consider other assets such as FERS, CSRS and TSPs for federal employees. USFSPA for military personnel. Tier I and II under the RRA for railroad employees. MOSERS, LAGERS and PEBSCO for Missouri state employees. Teachers have a special PSRS that supplants Social Security and is purportedly not subject to further division.
What You Need To Know About QDROs
More people have heard of QDROs (Qualified Domestic Relations Orders). Are they necessary for all retirement assets? No. Only for assets subject to ERISA provisions. Dan Pingelton made Missouri law when he won a case involving the use of a special QDRO to enforce delinquent child support and maintenance. He understands these orders, inside and out.
Contact The Pingelton Law Firm
Call 573-283-0817 or contact the firm online to learn more about how to protect your retirement assets.