A Firm Committed To Providing Exemplary Family Law Services
No one wants to wind up in family court. But still about half of all marriages end in divorce. And currently, half of all couples in their early thirties or less are not married. For people ending these relationships, capable representation is critical.
Pingelton Law Firm is ready to offer comprehensive representation in your family law case, including help with:
- All necessary aspects of a divorce case
- Issues surrounding paternity and the rights of fathers
- Seeking child custody and visitation outcomes in the best interests of children
- Ensuring fair and appropriate court orders for child support
- Property division
- Spousal maintenance (whether paying or receiving)
- Appropriate allocation of marital debt
- Fair and legally sound division of retirement assets
- Writing, negotiation and enforcement of prenuptial agreements
- Matters related to adoption
- Enforcement and explanation of grandparents’ rights
- Allegations of domestic violence or child abuse
- Issues being heard in Juvenile Court
This is a law firm that has never been interested in maintaining the status quo. While in law school, Dan Pingelton was dismayed to witness unfair outcomes in family law cases, some of which were long-term or permanent. All throughout his career as a practicing lawyer, Mr. Pingelton has been committed to improving the quality of Missouri family law and to helping his clients obtain the best available outcomes.
How Does He Do This?
1. Unparalleled knowledge of the law. Family law has changed considerably in the past three decades since Mr. Pingelton handled his first divorce case. Complex property issues, retirement fund problems, support matters and high-conflict custody concerns all demand skilled legal assistance. Mr. Pingelton’s extensive knowledge of this area of the law is illustrated in his publications, many of which are used for training other lawyers. He also created Missouri case precedent allowing a supposedly “creditor-proof” retirement plan to be used to pay debts owed to a former spouse through what is known as a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO). He routinely gives continuing legal education (CLE) presentations to Missouri lawyers, judges, legislators and administrators.
2. Commitment to the client. This is not a “fill in the form and show up in court” law firm. There will be plenty of forms to fill out, but successful representation has little to do with pieces of paper. Rather, it starts with a commitment to the client. Mr. Pingelton fights for his clients. Family law is often a very personal thing, and if it matters to you, it also matters to him. Some lawyers tell people what they want to hear. He believes in telling you the truth and saying what you need to hear: He’s been doing this long enough to know how things will turn out if you follow his advice.
3. Communication with the client. Especially in the beginning, family law clients are worried. They have many questions. Mr. Pingelton will answer all of them without delay. His system of quick-response consultations has been refined over the years to ensure that clients carry up-to-date and accurate knowledge at all times. Fast phone conferences, email, texting – if it can be secured to the firm’s privacy standards (higher than those set by many government agencies), it can be utilized for you.
4. Coordination with the court. Statistically, most cases are eventually resolved by agreement. Yours will probably be one of those. Mr. Pingelton maximizes your chances for a good negotiated result using several tools available in conjunction with the court. The firm also prides itself on using cutting-edge techniques with modern parenting plans, specialized provisions in separation agreements that incorporate new changes in the law and other items. Dan Pingelton literally wrote the book on this.
5. Dogged trial work. A few cases will go to trial. Large marital estate matters where one party is either ill-advised or simply intractable must be resolved through trial. High-conflict custody cases are some of the most challenging. These cases, more than anything, demand the highest quality legal work. Mr. Pingelton will try to keep you out of these situations. But if you find yourself caught in such a whirlpool, he will fight through to a good result using all legal means at his disposal. Ask around – he never gives up.
Publicly Reported Appellate Court Cases He Has Won For His Clients
Common Questions Of Family Law Clients
Clients often come in with similar questions, such as:
- We’re married and have a house in both of our names, but one of us made most of the payments. How will the house be divided?
- The house was in my spouse’s name before we married. Am I entitled to any of it?
- I worked for years and raised our children. My spouse made most of the money. How will the court treat our case?
- My spouse racked up a lot of debt. Am I responsible for any of it?
- I just found out that my spouse didn’t pay taxes, and now the IRS is coming after me. What can I do?
- I have a valuable retirement plan from before I was married. Will my ex get any of it?
- What is joint custody? Is it the same as 50/50?
- Can I get maintenance, or what used to be called “alimony?”
- I cheated on my spouse. Will this hurt me in my divorce?
- My ex said he/she was going to file for bankruptcy. What will this do to me?
- We were never married. How will this affect our child if we break up?
- Is Missouri a “no-fault” state?
To see answers to these questions and others, you can visit the common questions page.
Call Today To Learn More
To take advantage of a free initial consultation, call the firm’s Columbia, Missouri, office at 573-283-0817 or contact the firm online to request an appointment.